Krerkkiat Chusap
Published on 2025-02-01
First, we have the usual
git config --global "Krerkkiat Chusap"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Now, we will be looking at some interesting Git's aliases.
git config --global 'status'
git config --global 'checkout'
git config --global alias.sw 'switch'
git config --global 'branch'
git config --global alias.ds 'diff --staged'
git config --global alias.lgoa 'log --graph --all --decorate --oneline'
Most of these should be strightforward. They are mainly there to reduce the key strokes.
I found git ds
to be really helpful when I want to review the staged changes.
I shamelessly stole that git lgoa
"Git For Ages 4 And Up" talk by Michael Schwern
at 2013. It is my go-to commit graph
visualization. Here is an example of running it on part of python/cpython repository.
$ git lgoa
* 43ef958 gh-106320: Document replacement for removed C API (#128787)
* 1598e18 Fix a "doctest" block in `Doc/library/turtle.rst` (#128831)
* 7fc0f86 Merge branch 'main' of
| * f49a1df GH-128682: Convert explicit loops closing arrays into `DECREF_INPUTS`. (GH-128822)
| * bbd3300 gh-118761: substitute `re` import in `base64.b16decode` for a more efficient alternative (#128736)
| * 859db49 gh-71339: Use new assertion methods in test_typing (GH-128825)
| * 75bd42c gh-71339: Use new assertion methods in test_sqlite3 (GH-128830)
* | aa80588 Post 3.14.0a4
* | f26daa9 (tag: v3.14.0a4) Python 3.14.0a4
* ff3e145 gh-118761: Improve import time of the `pickle` module. (#128732)
* 1153e66 gh-109959: Skip test_glob.test_selflink() flaky test (#128812)
* 24a8d92 gh-127787: Move _PyUnicodeError_GetParams() to the internal C API (#128803)
* eefd4a0 Update cryptographic primitives code owners. (#128747)
I found myself using this last set of aliases a lot less, but they are sometimes handy.
git config --global alias.lgo1d 'log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since yesterday'
git config --global alias.lgo3d "log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since='3 days ago'"
git config --global alias.lgo1w "log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since='7 days ago'"
git config --global alias.lgo4w "log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since='4 weeks ago'"
git config --global alias.fl 'log -u'
git config --global alias.flog 'log --graph --all --decorate'
git config --global alias.hs "log --pretty='%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ad %Cblue%an%C(auto)%d %Creset%s' --date=relative --date-order --graph"
The first four lgo1d
, lgo3d
, lgo1w
and lgo4w
are variants of the lgoa
alias described above.
While lgoa
display the entirety of the commit history, these variant confine the history to
a certain time frame.
To be honest with you, I forget why I have the next two aliases :p. The last one, however,
was really useful when I was a teaching assiant to CS 3560 course
at Ohio University. It will show the short commit's hash (%h
), the commit's creation time (%ad
), the author's name (%an
) and a one line of the commit message (%s
). Here is an example
of running it on a repository for my personal website.
$ git hs
* 16d36bf 3 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) feat: add password generator app
* ad30368 4 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap fix: template not render properly
* ff9feaf 4 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap feat: add favicon
* 134aa60 6 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap feat: add zola version, add new blog entry
* 09b6879 7 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap fix: add missing assets
* 76f3845 7 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap feat: add margins, add wasm-web-term and xterm.js
* 26f6f3f 33 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap docs: add readme file
* 581d9d8 33 hours ago Krerkkiat Chusap fix: use div.content to render blog's content
For the full details of the format, please visit Git's own documentation on pretty formats
Here are all the commands in one place for an easy copy-and-paste.
git config --global "Krerkkiat Chusap"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global 'status'
git config --global 'checkout'
git config --global alias.sw 'switch'
git config --global 'branch'
git config --global alias.ds 'diff --staged'
git config --global alias.lgoa 'log --graph --all --decorate --oneline'
git config --global alias.lgo1d 'log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since yesterday'
git config --global alias.lgo3d "log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since='3 days ago'"
git config --global alias.lgo1w "log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since='7 days ago'"
git config --global alias.lgo4w "log --graph --all --decorate --oneline --since='4 weeks ago'"
git config --global alias.fl 'log -u'
git config --global alias.flog 'log --graph --all --decorate'
git config --global alias.hs "log --pretty='%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ad %Cblue%an%C(auto)%d %Creset%s' --date=relative --date-order --graph"
I will just put this here since I sometimes refer to this post for my own setup.
* text=auto
# For a specific file format.
# *.cpp text=auto
*.jpg -text
*.jpeg -text
*.png -text